Fund Raiser

On Saturday 4th May 2024 The Golden Eagles got asked to do a small Linedance teach at a Birthday party. A small donation was offered for their involvement which will be passed on to our local charity

Andover Neighbourcare.

2024 Donations

Once again Neighbourcare must thank.

Debbie Thurlow and 'The Golden Eagles Linedance Club' for their kind donation of £610. This was raised from their Christmas party, raffle tickets and Christmas competitions. The club support Neighbourcare on a regular basis which is very much appreciated. The club meet on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Interested then take a look on their facebook page.

Below Christmas party  from 2022

'The Golden Eagles Line Dancers'raised donation  £500. The money was raised from their Christmas party from entrance fees, raffle and competitions. The Golden Eagles have been firm supporters of Neighbourcare over the years which is very much appreciated. Special thank must go to Debbie and Ian Thurlow.

A Happy start to The New Year and may it continue

On Monday 27thFebruary 2023 the Golden Eagles were invited to do a Linedance Class at the Officers Mess at British Army Land Forces Headquarters, Andover. After being met at the gate and escorted to the Officers Mess, and treated to drinks, we set up the sound equipment ready to get started. Twenty five plus young souls joined us on the dance floor dressed in cowboy style clothes. I must say they really got involved in the dancing (I am not sure if it was helped by the bar being so close).

At half time we got treated to hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and all the extras. The second half of the night went by with more dancing and lots of laughing. We did get asked where the classes were held as I think a few wanted to join the beginners class, but we are nearly up to the comfortable limit of the hall we use. I must say all the people we came into contact with were a credit to our Armed Forces.

At the end of the evening we were presented with a cheque for Andover Neighbourcare (our chosen charity) and a special thank you to the young Lady who gave us an extra £10 as we packed up.

As usual Debbie stood at the front instructing and Laura and Jean stood at the sides towards the back to help the dancers, and Ian sorted the music out.

Would we do it again? Yes we would. It was a lovely fun evening in the company of wonderful people.

On Saturday 15th July 2023 we went to the Sargeant's Mess at Bulford Camp for their Summer Ball which was a western themed event. After being met at the gate and escorted to the Sargeant's Mess, and treated to drinks, we set up the sound equipment ready to get started (just after 6.00). A group of enthusiastic people joined us on the dance floor dressed in cowboy style clothes. I must say they really got involved in the dancing (I am not sure if it was helped by the bar being so close and had been open since 3 o'clock). Debbie did have a problem as she stood just in front of the bar to do the class,and guests still wanted to use the bar. As usual, Debbie taught the dances with Jean and Laura stood to the side to show the steps as they moved around, Ian played the music (though as they were packing up he played very tongue in cheek I Hate You When You're Drunk by OllyMurs). All too soon our time was up and it was time for the BBQ. After the meal they had a country band to play for them and try to remember all the moves they had been taught I must say all the people we came into contact with were a credit to our Armed Forces. As usual a donation was paid to Andover Neighbourcare, our local charity.

This is the second Army function we have done this year, we also got asked to do one at Perham Down but it clashed with Ian and Debbie's holiday so we politely declined this one.